
This page and the partners thereof, are in no way affiliated with Warner Bros. or DC Comics. This third party page (indirectly affiliated with The Real Life Bat-Man) simply spreads awareness of one mans attempt to change the world by preventing crime, and donating to charity. This page and the partners thereof make no money off Batman or his image, and any monies earned in the apprehension of fugitives are indirectly related to such and are immediately and 100% donated to charities.

Interview with The Bat-Man

Q: Why do you feel the need to take on this responsibility? Why you?

A: I used to be part of the problem, I almost killed someone I love very much. Because of this, I had made up my mind to take my own life, but then I thought how selfish it would be, I had already caused enough pain. I never saw going to prison as negative after that, I saw it as an opportunity to change, and to make wrong things right. Being a fan of comics my whole life I had always dreamed of going out and expelling evil. I realized evil is its own entity, and attacks everyone, and can reside in anyone. Despite the life I had led, there were times that I was at the right place, at the right time. And because of it, saved lives. As time went on I became more and more obsessed with the idea of going out, and searching for those in need, after all, I had contributed to this evil, fed it and nurtured it for so long, it had become my own, so I knew it well, I new how to hunt it, I knew how to destroy it. I knew how the criminal underworld thought, I new how they operated. I had seen how drugs and violence corrupted, how it destroyed, because I had been a part of that life. Aside from all of this, I am a very enginuitive, very skilled, and resourceful person, always have been. While in prison, despite all efforts against me, I walked out unscaved. I can hold my own quite well. What other person did I know had the ability to fight this like me? Let alone the conviction to do so? Not many.

Q: while I am aware of you "Origin Story", I have to ask, why Batman?

A: Sometimes, even the smallest thing in the world seems impossible to those who have lost hope. Batman, besides having the connection I have with that character like I told you in my origin, is a symbol we all know. And while he is human, his very existence seems impossible. If we can prove that what seems impossible, is in fact possible, then how can we not hold onto hope? Also in the beginning, I knew ordering custom made gear with a specific symbol would give away my identity, Batman replicas, gear ect. Are bought all over from all walks of life, and extremely obtainable. This way I was able to stock up on everything I could ever need, and back ups to boot. Another thing about Batman that any fan knows is that Batman doesn't kill. This I wanted to be very clear about from the very beginning. Batman always believes in second chances.

Q: you said you fight evil, and that evil is an entity, do you mean like the devil? Can you elaborate?

A: When Charles Manson was born, did he kill, or hate? Did Jefrrey Dohmor lust, or kill? When we are born, we are perfect, evil is an outside influence, call it a state of mind, or call it Satan if you want, but the fact is, evil is a learned behavior, a weakness we are all subject to. I don't fight people, I fight against the principalities of darkness that we are taught from the moment of our birth that slowly grows in us. Evil as it is can not truly be destroyed, but it can be defeated, it can be held at bay.

Q: interesting, may I ask then, are you religious?

A: Without going into a huge discussion over religion (a social organization) vs true belief, or faith, the short answer is, yes.

Q: So I am sure some Would be curious, myself included, and though it may be trivial, may I ask, do you, "look like" Bruce Wayne?

A: Well, over the years there have been probably hundreds of depictions of Bruce Wayne, I don't necessarily believe I strike any of those . I am not Bruce Wayne, Bruce Wayne is a fictional character. I use the image of Batman with the full understanding that is exactly what it is, an image.

Q: How long do you plan on doing this?

A: As long as I can, as long as it takes.

Q: Will you train a replacement? Is there a Robin or a Nightwing?

A: There could be.

Q: What do you have to say to those who would critisize what your doing?

A: I would ask them what they are doing to resolve issues. Maybe they could give me some pointers.

Q: What kind of mind does it take to do what you do?

A: A complicated one driven by it's convictions.

Q: Do you believe what you are doing is right?

A: I believe it isn't wrong.

Q: Let's say you are trying to save someone, and doing so either requires you taking the attackers life, or sacrificing who your saving to save your own, what do you do?

A: That's a silly question, every heroes journey has an end, one day so will mine. If taking the attackers life was the only possible way to save the victim, then I would do it, but I believe there is always another way. However within the realm of this hypothetical question and within the terms and context thereof, I would take the enemies life to save the civilians, but if possible, I would give my own life to save both of them instead.

Q: How much did it cost to put together your suit and gadgets?

A: More than you can imagine.

Q: Ok, I can see your restless, one more question, will I ever see you again.

A: Not likely.

And with that he he shook my hand with a tight grip, gave a nod, and ran off, I wasn't able to keep him in my line of vision, and just as suddenly as he appeared, he was gone...

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