
This page and the partners thereof, are in no way affiliated with Warner Bros. or DC Comics. This third party page (indirectly affiliated with The Real Life Bat-Man) simply spreads awareness of one mans attempt to change the world by preventing crime, and donating to charity. This page and the partners thereof make no money off Batman or his image, and any monies earned in the apprehension of fugitives are indirectly related to such and are immediately and 100% donated to charities.

Origin of The Real Life BAT-MAN

Batman is a fictional character, a comic book superhero created by artist Bob Kane and writer Bill Finger. The character first appeared in Detective Comics #27 (May 1939), and since then has appeared primarily in publications by DC Comics. Originally referred to as "The Bat-Man" and still referred to at times as "The Batman", he is additionally known as "The Caped Crusader","The Dark Knight", and "The World's Greatest Detective," among other titles.In the original version of the story and the vast majority of retellings, Batman's secret identity is Bruce Wayne, an American millionaire (later billionaire) playboy, industrialist, and philanthropist. Having witnessed the murder of his parents as a child, he swore revenge on criminals, an oath tempered with the greater ideal of justice.                                                                                                                                      -Wikipedia

And now 73 years later, times have drastically changed. Bat-man, among many other heroes, have become an American staple. And with the rise of the RLSH (Real Life Superheroes- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Real-life_superhero) The idea of Superheroes patrolling the streets has become relatively common in some cities. But now a new mysterious hero has risen seemingly out of nowhere, and he calls himself, The Bat-Man. Though little is known about him, information has been gathered that does gives us a glimpse into who this person is, and why out of all things he has chosen to bring The Batman to life. 

Before we start, we wanted to point out that throughout this TRUE STORY, you will begin to see a REMARKABLE similarity between the comic book Batman's life, and the life of The REAL BATMAN, and this shocking "polarity" between the two will be discussed later. For now we will begin the story in the mid 90's, with him as a very young man we will call, "Wayne". Wayne lived with his grandparents because his real mom and dad did not want him, and could not take care of him. However, as Wayne began to get older, his grandfather became increasingly more abusive, his attempts to report the abuse proved to be a futile attempt. The abuse led Wayne to develop incredible anger issues, and stunted his social capabilities. 

Wayne was not allowed to do as most kids did, even the simplest things, and spent a good 80% of his time with his grandfather who abused him. Despite his grandfather abusive ways, there were in fact times where he showed incredible compassion to Wayne. One of these occasions were on Halloween, Wayne was dressed up as Zorro for the local costume contest, a costume made by his grandfather, but just before they were getting ready to leave, Wayne was standing outside by the house, and heard a rustling in the bushes, when he (at the time only 8 years old) went to investigate the sound, a bat flew out from the bushes, and cling-ed to Wayne's face before flying off. Wayne immediately developed a crippling fear of bats. 

This for some reason concerned his grandfather, so one day his grandfather called him to the living room to watch a show with him. It was The 1966 Adam West Batman, his grandfather used the show to show him that bats are nothing to be afraid of. Wayne became obsessed with the idea of bats, and by extension Batman, after all Tim Burtin's Batman was the only movie his grandfather ever took him to. The bond was shortly lived as it wasn't long until the abuse began to increase once again, and would have continued further, until one day his grandfather lost his life. After agonizing attempts at C.P.R. Wayne's grandfather died in his arms. After this came a great rebellion uprising inside him, confusion, anger, mistrust, depression. For this reason his grandmother abandoned him, and he set out to face a world he barely knew.

For a teenager, the world can be a cold place, and Wayne longed to have companionship with someone, anyone. It was during this time, that he fell in with the wrong crowd, and became addicted to drugs and alcohol. But he soon saw his new found friendships for what they were as they began to leave his side, abandoning him as many others did so many times before. Unable to maintain stability on account of his new addictive behavior,Wayne to resorted to further destructive behavior eventually leading to his becoming a drug dealer himself, and by extension a dangerous criminal that many feared. Until the day that this behavior finally sent him to prison. It was there that Wayne finally got the chance to detox and get a grip on his life really for the first time ever. Wayne was always into comics as a child dwelling on the bond Batman had created between him and his grandfather. It was there that Wayne decided to try to fix the world that he has contributed destruction to.

His whole life had been full of violence, and rarely did he ever lose a fight, it began to occur to him that this ability, along with his knowledge of the criminal underworld, was a great asset that could be used for good. Like Bruce Wayne- Wayne never forgot how his extreme fear of bats effected him as a child, and how facing that fear helped him conquer most others fears, and allowed him to have great courage.He also remembered how Batman brought out the best in his grandfather, how it seemed to bring out his grandfathers humanity. Years passed, and after his release, the planning began, when he discovered the RLSH a group of Real Life Superheroes. It was there he not only realized his dream was possible, but that many were already doing so. 

Wayne had always noticed his strange connection/polarity between himself and the Dark Knight of the comics, and even to bats themselves, as Wayne has extremely light sensitive eyes. Admittedly Wayne saw the surface irrationality of comparing his life to that of a fictional character, and had discussed this with only a few close friends who themselves admitted that these similarities (many which can not be mentioned for fear of compromising his anonymity) were absolutely undeniable. One day wayne mentioned to his friend a thought he had been contemplating. and that thought probably sealed his position as The Real Life  Bat-Man forever. Wayne said to his friend, "If I am on this end of the spectrum, believing that my life somehow parallels that of Batman from the comics, and I believe it so whole heatedly, then couldn't someone else be on the other end of that spectrum?" 3 days after he said this to his friend, James Holmes shot up the Dark Knight Rises Theater killing 12 people, and when authorities apprehended him, he called himself The Joker. 

Shocking Similarities Between Batman in The Comic Batman, Bats in general 
and The Real Life Bat-Man.

Bruce Wayne's Parents were both Killed: 
"Wayne's" parents were lost to drugs, and gave him up because they could not take care of him, both are likely dead now.

Bruce Wayne's Parents were killed outside a theater showing The Mask Of Zorro: 
During "Wayne's encounter with the bat that terrified him, he was going to a Halloween party dressed as Zorro.

In Batman Begins Bruce Wayne goes to prison, and while there finds his path to Batman:
"Wayne also did time in prison, and there found his path to Bat-Man

Like Bats, "Wayne" has extremely light sensitive eyes, and is and has always been more active at night, and isn't opposed to avoiding daytime in general

Additionally as mentioned in the final paragraph above:
Wayne said to his friend, "If I am on this end of the spectrum, believing that my life somehow parallels that of Batman from the comics, and I believe it so whole heatedly, then couldn't someone else be on the other end of that spectrum?" 3 days after he said this to his friend, James Holmes shot up the Dark Knight Rises Theater killing 12 people, and when authorities apprehended him, he called himself  The Joker. To make this even more strange, according to University of Colorado Hospital spokeswoman Jacque Montgomery, James Holmes was studying neuroscience in a Ph.D. program at the University of Colorado-Denver graduate school, specifically temporal illusions and parallel universes.

There are s actually a few far more shocking similarities than mentioned above, but for the sake of his anonymity can not be mentioned, but once we discovered this, let's just say our jaws dropped.

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